How to send email with PHP. Although PHP has built in function mail() to send email, it's quite insecure and use nonobvious arguments. In below example function Send_mail can send mail when called with just four arguments: from, to, subject, text. To avoid email injection (using malformed parameters to send spam through mail()) removing of special characters is used.
Online PHP Examples with Source Code
$site_admin = '';
function Send_mail($from, $to, $subject, $text, $headers="")
if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win')
$mail_sep = "\r\n";
$mail_sep = "\n";
function _rsc($s)
$s = str_replace("\n", '', $s);
$s = str_replace("\r", '', $s);
return $s;
$h = '';
if (is_array($headers))
foreach($headers as $k=>$v)
$h = _rsc($k).': '._rsc($v).$mail_sep;
if ($h != '') {
$h = substr($h, 0, strlen($h) - strlen($mail_sep));
$h = $mail_sep.$h;
$from = _rsc($from);
$to = _rsc($to);
$subject = _rsc($subject);
mail($to, $subject, $text, 'From: '.$from.$h);
isset($_POST['subject']) && isset($_POST['text']) &&
isset($_POST['from1']) && isset($_POST['from2']))
$from = $_POST['from1'].' <'.$_POST['from2'].'>';
Send_mail($from, $site_admin, $_POST['subject'], $_POST['text'],
array('X-Mailer'=>' Online PHP Examples with Source Code'));
$mail_send = true;
<html><head>Send us mail -
if (isset($mail_send)) {
echo 'Form has been successfully sent, thank you
else {
<?php } ?>
By: 4evertutorials
On 11/15/2012