Create php file named with Ping.php copy following code. For cass usage see bottom of this post. Note This script run online with root user privilege no web users
Online PHP Examples with Source Code
// Name of Class Ping.php
* Ping for PHP.
* This class pings a host.
* The ping() method pings a server using 'exec', 'socket', or 'fsockopen', and
* and returns FALSE if the server is unreachable within the given ttl/timeout,
* or the latency in milliseconds if the server is reachable.
* Example usage:
* @code
* $ping = new Ping('');
* $latency = $ping->ping();
* @endcode
* @version 1.0-beta1
* @author Jeff Geerling.
class Ping {
private $host;
private $ttl;
private $data = 'Ping';
* Called when the Ping object is created.
* @param $host (string)
* The host to be pinged.
* @param $ttl (int)
* Time-to-live (TTL) (You may get a 'Time to live exceeded' error if this
* value is set too low. The TTL value indicates the scope or range in which
* a packet may be forwarded. By convention:
* - 0 = same host
* - 1 = same subnet
* - 32 = same site
* - 64 = same region
* - 128 = same continent
* - 255 = unrestricted
* The TTL is also used as a general 'timeout' value for fsockopen(), so if
* you are using that method, you might want to set a default of 5-10 sec to
* avoid blocking network connections.
* @return (empty)
public function __construct($host, $ttl = 255) {
if (!isset($host)) {
throw new Exception("Error: Host name not supplied.");
$this->host = $host;
$this->ttl = $ttl;
* Set the ttl (in hops).
* @param $ttl (int)
* TTL in hops.
* @return (empty)
public function setTtl($ttl) {
$this->ttl = $ttl;
* Set the host.
* @param $host (string)
* Host name or IP address.
* @return (empty)
public function setHost($host) {
$this->host = $host;
* Ping a host.
* @param $method (string)
* Method to use when pinging:
* - exec (default): Pings through the system ping command. Fast and
* robust, but a security risk if you pass through user-submitted data.
* - fsockopen: Pings a server on port 80.
* - socket: Creates a RAW network socket. Only usable in some
* environments, as creating a SOCK_RAW socket requires root privileges.
* @return (mixed)
* Latency as integer, in ms, if host is reachable or FALSE if host is down.
public function ping($method = 'exec') {
$latency = false;
switch ($method) {
// The exec method uses the possibly insecure exec() function, which
// passes the input to the system. This is potentially VERY dangerous if
// you pass in any user-submitted data. Be SURE you sanitize your inputs!
case 'exec':
$ttl = escapeshellcmd($this->ttl);
$host = escapeshellcmd($this->host);
// -n = numeric output; -c = number of pings; -t = ttl.
$str = exec('ping -n -c 1 -t ' . $ttl . ' ' . $host, $output, $return);
// Second output line contains result of ping. Parse if not empty.
if (!empty($output[1])) {
$array = explode(' ', $output[1]);
// Remove 'time=' from string.
$latency = str_replace('time=', '', $array[6]);
// Convert latency to microseconds.
$latency = round($latency);
else {
$latency = false;
// The fsockopen method simply tries to reach the host on port 80. This
// method is often the fastest, but not necessarily the most reliable.
// Even if a host doesn't respond, fsockopen may still make a connection.
case 'fsockopen':
$start = microtime(true);
$fp = fsockopen($this->host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $this->ttl);
if (!$fp) {
$latency = false;
else {
$latency = microtime(true) - $start;
$latency = round($latency * 1000);
// The socket method uses raw network packet data to try sending an ICMP
// ping packet to a server, then measures the response time. Using this
// method requires the script to be run with root privileges, though, so
// this method only works reliably on Windows systems and on Linux servers
// where the script is not being run as a web user.
case 'socket':
// Create a package.
$type = "\x08";
$code = "\x00";
$checksum = "\x00\x00";
$identifier = "\x00\x00";
$seqNumber = "\x00\x00";
$package = $type . $code . $checksum . $identifier . $seqNumber . $this->data;
// Calculate the checksum.
$checksum = $this->calculateChecksum($package); // Calculate the checksum.
// Finalize the package.
$package = $type . $code . $checksum . $identifier . $seqNumber . $this->data;
// Create a socket, connect to server, then read the socket and calculate.
if ($socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1)) {
socket_connect($socket, $this->host, null);
$start = microtime(true);
// Send the package.
socket_send($socket, $package, strlen($package), 0);
if (socket_read($socket, 255) !== false) {
$latency = microtime(true) - $start;
$latency = round($latency * 1000);
else {
$latency = false;
// Close the socket.
else {
$latency = false;
// Close the socket.
// Return the latency.
return $latency;
* Calculate a checksum.
* @param $data (string)
* Data for which checksum will be calculated.
* @return (string)
* Binary string checksum of $data.
private function calculateChecksum($data) {
if (strlen($data)%2) {
$data .= "\x00";
$bit = unpack('n*', $data);
$sum = array_sum($bit);
while ($sum >> 16) {
$sum = ($sum >> 16) + ($sum & 0xffff);
return pack('n*', ~$sum);
Usage of class:
Online PHP Examples with Source Code
$host = '';
$ping = new Ping($host);
$latency = $ping->ping();
if ($latency) {
print 'Latency is ' . $latency . ' ms';
else {
print 'Host could not be reached.';
By: 4evertutorials
On 2/02/2013